Kathy Bernstein, Numerologist

The 2025 Classes!

The Light at Midnight

I always thought I would write a book or an article using this title but never did. Yet, right now on our planet this title offers a deeper meaning than I could have imagined.

What does this title have to do with Numerology and numbers? In Numerology our lives run in 9-year cycles. The planet in 2025 and all its inhabitants are in a 9 year, of the 9-year cycle. This is calculated by adding together the numbers of the coming year. 2025 reduced to one digit is 9. (2+0+2+5= 9).

The number 9 is the “Light at Midnight.”

Traditionally the sephirot on the Tree of Life are counted 1 through 10. Based on the essential nature of each sephirot, I re-numbered the Tree from 0 through 9. For those of you who understand the Tree of Life this then means 9 is Malkhut.

To Be 9 or Malkhut, is to be open, receive and reflect All That Is. 9/Malkhut unlike the other numbers or sephirot on the Tree has no light of its own and its mission is to reflect the lights of heaven, Keter/0 through Yesod/8.

The number 9 does something no other number does; when added to each one-digit number and reduced, the result is always the original number (1+9=10; 1+0=1). 9 receives and reflects what’s here as it is, not needing what’s here to be different. A change takes place for the number added to 9, but it’s essential nature remains the same, it’s still a 1. 9 does this because 9 is all numbers, 9 is a hologram. When 9 is added to each numbered month in 2025 it reveals the Holographic nature of that month. From January through September, we will explore the holographic nature of each numbered month.

A 9 year is the only year that there are two numbers that are consistent every month all year long and they are 9/Malkhut the known or manifest world, and 0/Keter the unknown or un-manifest world. They operate together all year calling us to experience them as one.

Many years ago, when my grandson was 12, he went fishing for catfish at night at the pond next to my home. It was an overcast night with no light from the moon. I decided to drive over to the pond and shine my car lights into the tree that was at the shoreline hanging over the pond. The minute I did that, my grandson came running up to my car excitedly saying “Gram, you have to come see this.” Dill took me to the water’s edge and as I looked into the pond what I saw was an infinitely deep abyss.

When the Water/9 the known/manifest reflected the Light/0 the unknown/un-manifest the two became one, revealing reality’s infinite depth, “The Light at Midnight.”

Classes will be on Sundays at 6:30 p.m. EST or New York time.

January 12th 2025
February 2nd 2025
February 9th 2025
March 2nd 2025
April 6th 2025
May 4th 2025
June 1st 2025
July 6th 2025
August 3rd 2025
September 7th 2025

Fee for the 9 classed is $315

You can sign up with PayPal here.

Past Classes

The 2022 Classes

In 2022 I am offering zoom classes on the holographic nature of numbers. These classes have three parts. First, everyone will participate in the first class that will introduce the qualities of the number 9, and how 9 reveals the holographic nature of the particular Personal Year you are in. Second, participants who share the same Personal Year will be together in small groups for three classes. Third, each person will receive a private Numerology reading with me.

First Class: Sunday, January 16, 2022 from 6:00 – 7:30 New York time or EST.

I will go through the calculation that shows an example of how the number 9 reveals the holographic nature of a number, how that happens, and what it illuminates. Knowing and embodying the holographic nature of your Personal Year reveals something about your nature and Reality.

Second: the series of 3 small classes

Participants will be grouped by Personal Year, meeting 3 times between February and September for an in-depth exploration of the holographic nature of their Personal Year.

Dates & times for the three individual classes, grouped by Personal Year, will take into consideration participants’ locations and time zones.

Third: your Private Numerology Reading

In this reading we will look at how your Personal Year relates to your numerology chart.

All three segments are geared to help you blossom within the holographic nature of your Personal Year in 2022.

The fee will be $375 for the January class on the number 9, the series of 3 small classes, and your one-on-one Numerology reading with me.
Note: The class on 9 is a deeper dive than I have done in the past.

Forgotten Language of Numbers:
A Journey Home to Yourself

This Fall I will offer a series of six, two hour, on-line zoom classes.

A little about numbers: each number zero through nine is a quality that creates and ever creates us and this world we live in. The particular combinations of these ten numbers are what makes each one of us different and unique human beings.

In each class we will:

The fee for these six introductory classes, including a private personal Life Reading with me is $390 (If you have already had a Life Reading class fee is $300).

Please do not hesitate to phone or email me with any questions.

Classes are on Saturday mornings through Zoom video conferencing, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, Eastern Time.

I plan to offer alternate class days and times. Contact me if you cannot attent the dates and times listed above.

The Life Reading will be booked privately with me.

Contact Information: 401-338-1317, kathy@numerologypro.com